Teacher: Lisa Spitzer from the University from the Leibniz Institute for Psychology (ZPID) (Germany).
Organizers: Programa de doctorado en Lectura y Comprensión (Universidad de Valencia) y Acciones de Internacionalización en Casa de la Facultat de Psicologia i Logopèdia de la UV. La asistencia se reconocerá como actividad específica del Programa de Doctorado en "Lectura y Comprensión”.
Date: 16 may 2022
9:00-11:00: Part I
12:00-14:00: Part II
Format: Online
Idioma: English
Enrolled in a Doctoral Program.
Service PsychNotebook will be used for the R demonstration. As it allows using R in the browser, participants do not need
to install R on their computers.
This workshop is aimed at psychological researchers that are relatively new to preregistration or who would like to learn more about different options for creating preregistrations. Specifically, this workshop will be divided into two parts: In the first part, I will illustrate what a preregistration is and why it is important that researchers preregister their studies. In the second part, I will guide the participants through the preregistration process and give practical advice. I will present various possible routes for creating preregistrations before narrowing down on a practical example. In this example, I will use the R package “prereg” and the PRP-QUANT template that has recently been published by a collaboration of psychological societies (APA, BPS, DGPs). I will walk you through the process of creating the preregistration by using the template until submitting it to the preregistration platform “PreReg in Psychology” (prereg-psych.org).
There are 2 questions in this survey.