Thank you for your interest in the survey from the Erasmus+ project “LBTI+ Women in Sport: Research & Outcomes” funded by the European Union. The survey aims to understand how LBTI+ women take part in physical activity & sport. Our goal is to reveal the reality of this participation and highlight needs of LBTI+ women in sport, barriers and challenges. The survey will explore three dimensions: 1. Participation in physical activity and sports. 2. Experiences (facilitators & barriers). 3. Feelings and perceptions.
Anyone who self-defines as a WOMAN is welcome to respond. Take part and tell us about how you get active: super athletes to Sunday strollers - we are looking for feedback from every woman on your relationship with physical activity & sport.
The results will be published in 2025. The questions will take up to around 20 minutes to answer; there are no right or wrong answers but PLEASE GO TO THE END OF THE SURVEY so we can take your response into consideration. By answering this survey, you voluntarily agree to participate in this study. We ensure that data processing will not allow any identification of individuals and secures anonymity of data. If you would like to know more about it, please feel free to send us an email:
DON’T MISS OUT! WIN a FREE registration for EuroGames Lyon 2025! 🎉 COMPLETE the SURVEY and get a free ticket to Europe’s biggest inclusive multi-sport sports tournament, taking place in Lyon, France, from July 23 to 26. Don’t miss this unique experience!

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.