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Workshop "How to Write the Impact of a Horizon 2020 Proposal (Pillar II and Pillar III)"

The Vice-Rectorate for Innovation and Transfer is pleased to announce you the workshop on "How to write the Abstract and the Impact of a Horizon 2020 proposal". 


Impact has become one of the key evaluation criteria in Pillas II (Industrial Leadership) and Pillar  III (Societal Chalenges) of Horizon 2020. Researchers have difficulty in understanding the concept of "Impact" and in explaining the potential impact of their proposals. The aim of this workshop is to explain the concept of "impact" and provide researchers and research support staff with guidelines on writing the impact part of Horizon 2020 proposals.


  • Module 1: Impact in Horizon 2020.
  • Module 2: How Pillar II and Pillar III Proposals are evaluated.
  • Module 3: Proposal Clinics (Guide to writing impact).
  • Module 4: Impact on Industry (Pillar II and III).
  • Module 5: Impact in Social Sciences and Humanities (Pillar II and III).

Duration: 9 to 12h30.

Venue: Saló d'Actes. Rectorate of the University of Valencia. 13, Blasco Ibàñez Av. 46010. Valencia.

Presenter: Seán McCarthy www.hyperion.ie/seanmccarthy.htm  *



Limited number of seats. UVEG attendants will be selected as per their motivation and previous experience in the preparation of H2020 proposals. The workshop will be conducted in English. Registration open until 15th November.







*The programme will be presented by Dr. Sean McCarthy of Hyperion Ltd (www.hyperion.ie). In 2017 the European Commission published a list of the top 100 universities and research organisations participating in Horizon 2020. Dr. McCarthy has delivered training courses in 74 of these top 100 universities and research organisations.

Since 1995 over 76,000 participants have attended his courses in 29 countries. He has presented training courses on the Framework programmes in over 290 research centres throughout Europe (www.hyperion.ie/clients.htm).

Sean has been active in the Framework programmes since 1980. He has been involved in over 150 research proposals to the Framework programmes and has participated in over 60 Framework projects. In 16 of these projects he was the coordinator. Four of Hyperion contracts has been audited by the European Commission. Today he does not participate in the Framework programmes but concentrates on designing and delivering training courses for organizations who participate in the programmes.  More details can be found on www.hyperion.ie/seanmccarthy.htm 


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